Previous Work & Projects
We collaborate and work with our clients, partners and communities to live more sustainably.
Love Food Hate Waste
2016 - Current
We have been working with our Love Food Hate Waste partners and communities to reduce good food ending up in land fill since 2016. Our team work with food donors, we rescue good food from major retailers, grocers, cafes, schools, farmers and more redirecting this good food to where it is most needed.
The NSW Environmental Trust has directly supported us to implement and reduce food waste. We are dedicated to reducing good food waste and educating communities to how they can change habits, behaviours and lifestyles to make a massive change that directly helps our environment.

Marine Education & Workshops
2018 - Present
Our team of Marine Ecologists and Educators deliver to your door, a marine science experience like no other. We have taught at Primary Schools, High Schools, Universities, Aged Care Homes, Child Care Centres, multicultural and environmental festivals, events and workshops. At each education facility we teach according to curriculum or school syllabus and can teach an entire school in a day, we have lesson plans, student activity sheets available.Â
No marine life is harmed during our program.

Food Rescue Food Donation
2016 - Current
Since 2016 All Sustainable Futures Inc has operated a food rescue food donation program from supermarkets, green grocers, farmers, cafes and more. We divert good food from land fill and redirect it to many people and communities plus wildlife rescue volunteer groups. What we can not save or divert gets recycled into compost across many community gardens further educating communities about Love Food Hate Waste and Reduce - Recycle ways to reuse and repurpose food waste.Â
To date we have saved around 550 tonnes of food waste from landfill, and in the process fed some hungry people, animals, wildlife and soils along the way

Best Start School Breakfast
2018 - Present
Our research study found 1 in 5 children in the Illawarra South Coast of NSW went to school hungry and 1 in 3 reported being hungry at school during class. Our breakfast food program has helped thousands of children and families, we leave long lasting behavioural change, food education and food preparation behind after our free breakfast program ends in the school before school. ,

Pappinburra Native Endemic Seed Nursery and Land Regeneration
2016 - Present
Pappinbarra Valley, River and Catchment continues to benefit from our efforts in native seed and cutting collection, seed banking, native seed germination and tube stock nursery. Over 23,000 endemic species have been regenerated across natural bushlands, waterways and farming lands since the 2020 bushfires and floods. Our team of dedicated volunteers and staff are working hard to reduce further river and dam erosion, eradicate noxious weeds and pests plus reestablish endemic local native plants, shrubs and trees.

Protecting Critically Endangered Wildlife Species and Habitats
2020Â - Present
All Sustainable Futures have supported landholders in the Southern Highlands, NSWÂ to protect critically endangered wildlife species and habitats including the Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps), the Koala (Phascolartos cinereus)Â through voluntary conservation agreements matched with significant ongoing conservation funding of $1.6million over 25 years thanks to funding secured via the Biodiversity Conservation Trust.
Photo Courtesy: Australian Museum

Threatened Species Breeding and Reintroduction Program
2020Â - Present
All Sustainable Futures Inc assisted the National Threatened Species Institute to secure funding to establish a breeding and reintroduction program for the Smokey Mouse (Pseudomys fumeus) and the New Holland Mouse (Pseudomys novahollandiae) into habitat areas previously occupied by this threatened species. The goal is to release captive bred threatened species back into their home range and is consistent with the National Recovery Plan for the species.
Photo Courtesy: Australian Museum
2019 - Current
Our Save4Good Program has completed over 1000 free coaching sessions with more underway 2023-24. Our coaching team continues to work with residents and small businesses to take control of their energy consumption and costs whilst caring for the planet. More importantly our advice on energy bills has resulted in each participant saving, on average $320.00 on annual electricity bills, installation of solar panels, water tanks, tree planting, composting and new energy efficient appliances plus more.